Lyonsdown Houseparty
We invite you to join us on our annual Church Houseparty – a wonderful time for developing friendships within the church family, learning together from God’s Word and relaxing together. It’s also a perfect way for newcomers to get to know people.
Mark Smith will be our main speaker this year. He is the minister of The Kildrumferton Group of Parishes, Ireland.
Mark was part of the church family at Lyonsdown whilst studying at Oak Hill Theological College. He is now the minister of The Kildrumferton Group of Parishes, Ireland. He is Married to Ruth, who used to be women’s worker at Lyonsdown years ago, and they have a young daughter, Martha. Mark will be teaching us from the thrilling book of Jonah.
The Details
28–30 June 2024
High Leigh Conference Centre, Lord Street, Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire EN11 8SG
Prices frozen from last year!
Adult (aged 17 or over on 28 June)
= £185
Children (aged 6–16 on 28 June) = £65
Children aged five years or younger are not charged. Price includes en-suite accommodation, all food and conference facilities.
How to book: